When I got the GCPS troopers I wanted to review, I also received a a frame of Kings of War/Firefight Butchers as well. I had no intention of touching anything Nightmares-related, but here I am. Behold, my experiences in making three very different Butcher builds.
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Dystopian Wars | Fortified Niche review!
Unfortunately, we don’t get many games about uptopian warfare. Why aren’t we pushing around plastic fighting figures for a better future? But while you’re pondering this philosophical nugget, you can play Dystopian Wars, the steam/atom/???-punk game of naval combat before the missile age!
Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.
Continue reading “Dystopian Wars | Fortified Niche review!”Combat Storm | Fortified Niche playtest!
Statistically, you either had or had played with toy soldiers as a kid. But the only person to set any sort of rules back then was an irate parent, laying down the law once the crying got too much. Combat Storm aims to bring a little class into what would otherwise be an ugly brawl by providing rules for your green or tan army men!
Listen to the Fortified Niche episode!
Continue reading “Combat Storm | Fortified Niche playtest!”Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe | Fortified Niche playtest!
After strong recommendations and a bit of wait, the pod finally got its grubby mitts on Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe. Seeing how I have long wished to see reasonable amounts of plate-armored men-at-arms on a table, a late medieval ruleset for small battles and large skirmishes was just the thing.
Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.
Continue reading “Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe | Fortified Niche playtest!”Unpacking the Warlord Games’ Second Great Mystery Box
Seeing as I’m possessed of a brain so smooth as to be featured in anti-wrinkle cream commercials, I bought Warlord Games’ Second Great Mystery Box. Because who wouldn’t want a Lyudmila Pavlichenko miniature for “free,” even if they don’t know who she is and they don’t collect Soviets (yet)?
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5 Worst Dice Ever Made by Games Workshop (And Some Actually Good Ones)
Any miniature gaming company that’s worth its salt will make custom dice for their games. After all, why wouldn’t your fans want to play your game with some snazzy branded cubes? Games Workshop is no different in that regard. In fact, it probably produced more custom designs than any other game company ever. Too bad they were terrible more often than not. And here are 5 worst.
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Heresy Girls 2 Kickstarter Is Less Horny
There aren’t that many female models in Warhammer 40,000. Therefore, it’s usually up to 3rd-party designers to fill that gap. However, many of them seem to be sculpting with one hand under the table. At least the Heresy Girls 2 Kickstarter seems to be breaking from the trend of horniness!
New Horus Heresy FAQ Is Out!
Even if some sweating GW intern has rushed to take the article announcing it down, the Age of Darkness/Horus Heresy FAQ is still here! In it, you’ll find Magnus nerfs, clarifications on Augury Sensors, Super-Heavy tanks turning into tanks and Space Wolf Apothecaries taking a level of AWUUU once they join Gray Slayer squads.
Transhuman Physiology: Only Thing That GW Did To Make Space Marines Be More Like Space Marines
The newest edition of 40K Kill Team – the newbie-friendly entry level format that is about controlling individual miniatures in tight special operation environments rather than grog infested main game of pushing overly large armies on far too small tables – is almost out. And the biggest thing about isn’t Games Workshop finally giving a shit about Kill Team or them asking Heralds of Ruin to change their title. No, it’s the fact that GW actually did something to make Space Marines closer to super human warriors that they are in the fluff.
Five Reasons Why I’m Still Mad About The Imperial Guard Codex
Hatred is, after all, the Emperor’s greatest gift for humanity. And ya’ll kids know that unca JcDent has enough bile, vitriol and foul temper for two racist uncles. I had previously written my wishlist/hatelist for the upcoming Codex: Astra Militarum. That book has since been released, so here I am on the road again, bitching about the new Imperial Guard codex. Codex: Astra Militarum fixed a few problems from the Index, but not all. It introduced a few more. Here they are.
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