Mantic Butchers review | Warp spawn

When I got the GCPS troopers I wanted to review, I also received a a frame of Kings of War/Firefight Butchers as well. I had no intention of touching anything Nightmares-related, but here I am. Behold, my experiences in making three very different Butcher builds.

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GCPS Troopers review | Contrast control for victory

Mantic’s GCPS Troopers had been my white whale for a long time. When I had the harebrained idea to make a loyalist version of Renegade and Heretics some 11 years ago, I spent years looking at cheap Imperial Guard proxies. Mantic was supposed to be the chosen once, and GCPS troopers its spearhead. But I never liked the look of them on the store. So I finally Mantic nicely for some minis and they sent me a GCPS Troopers sprue to review.

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