Cyberpunk 2077 review | Blunt-edge

I finally did it! I finished Cyberpunk 2077 (and the Phantom Liberty DLC). I have slain the beast! And now, years and years after the game has been released, patched into playability, memed, dissected, discussed, and modded, I can present my review!

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Insurgency: Sandstorm vs. World War 3 | Steam Free Weekend Experience

I’m very bad at FPS games, but that doesn’t stop me from liking them! That’s why I was overjoyed somewhat excited to learn that Insurgency: Sandstorm and World War 3 were free to try on Steam on last weekend. So how did it go for me? Continue reading “Insurgency: Sandstorm vs. World War 3 | Steam Free Weekend Experience”

Press ‘X’ To Salute Hitler: The Difficulty of Making German WWII FPS

So Battlefield 5 is going to have a Nazi campaign. Called “The Last Tiger,” it’s super likely to put you in Tiger I for the duration. What easier way to keep a player from doing war crimes than by confining them to a tank, right? As such, a true FPS campaign that would follow the story of some German trooper in WWII remains an unreachable goal.

And there are many reasons for it.

Continue reading “Press ‘X’ To Salute Hitler: The Difficulty of Making German WWII FPS”