I was there when Kirby slew Warhammer Fantasy. I may not have been in the room when it was all decided, but I was mad when Brettonia died off screen and I was online when points were eliminated. It was heartbreaking to see an old and flavorful setting be replaced with Sigmarines fighting Khorne Blood-blooders forever. Age of Sigmar (the game) and Mortal Realms (the setting) have changed much since then – and my opinion hasn’t remained inflexible. With that said, what did I take away from playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin demo?
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About Age of Sigmar
Forge World Catalogue 2018 surprises
I bought the Burning of Prospero box back when it was released and finished painting a 1000 point Loyalist Death Guard army ready last June. There was a small issue: no opponents to play with! But I have a friend who collected Forge World Custodians. With the hopes of playing the game some day, I bought the Age of Darkness rulebook when it came out. With it came the Forge World Catalogue 2018. It held some surprises.
Dominions 5 rule, Total War: Warhammer II drools
I got into miniatures way too late to appreciate Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Yet I would agree that the world rather than the game is the main attraction of the fantasy counterpart to Warhammer 40K. So while it’s super sad that Games Workshop (under the thrall of Tom Kirby, may he never find peace) exploded the Old World and replaced WHFB with 15-year-old’s first fantasy setting (Age of Sigmar), we had reasons to rejoice: WHFB was finally released for official Total War treatment. Too bad both of the games in the series were made with the most cowardly decisions at every step.
Continue reading “Dominions 5 rule, Total War: Warhammer II drools”