The Portfolio of Martynas “JcDent” Klimas I want to be the guy who writes whatever text is needed for video games. If the task calls for humor, historical knowledge or fascination with war, I’m your man. If it doesn’t, I hope to rise to the occasion. Jcdent (me) A short text-adventure game made on Twine. An unofficial lore supplement for Xenos Rampant with faction and unit descriptions. An example of how I write when given restrictions. Scheming out Ash of Gods dialogue in the Prologue and part of Chapter 1, then re-writing it. You may consider it not fair as Ash was translated into English, but I’m ESL myself, so I can do whatever I please. Songs of Silence encyclopedia entries are generally excellent. However, the one for Ur Dargon feels out of place in both tone and form, like something out of a Drakengard/Nier weapon description. I attempt to offer alternatives. Game writing-adjacent articles Musings on crafting a more interesting Weird World War 2 setting. I criticize the design decisions in Starfield for seven thousand words.