Gunner, HEAT, PC! preview | A tank for you and me

What if you could play War Thunder’s realistic tank mode, but in single player and without Gaijin’s meddling with balance? Because that’s pretty much how Gunner, HEAT, PC!* is shaping up to be. It’s a relaxed tank sim that’s easy on the controls and hard on the simulation – a sort of land-bound cousin of Tiny Combat Arena.

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Homicidal All-Stars preview | I’d watch this show

“Nostalgia-proof” is the trait that I proudly tout in-lieu of having a personality. You can’t fool me into playing a new game simply by shit that will remind me of my childhood. However, I have recently gained an appreciation for the decrepit yet flashy dystopian future as depicted in the movies of the 80s and the 90s. That means yon Johnny Mnemonic, Total Recall, The Soldier, and so on. That’s why I jumped at the chance to preview the blood-splattered turn-based tactical battles in Homicidal All-Stars!

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Muskets & Tomahawks 2E | Fortified Niche playtest!

What if you set out to make black powder game that isn’th set during the Napoleonic Wars OR American Civil War? Then you’d get something like Muskets & Tomahawks 2E, a title concerned with small skirmishing actions in the French-Indian War, American War of Independence, the War of 1812 and… damn it, it does have a Napoleonics supplement!

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Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus review | The Grind Darkness

When I finally got into the Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus beta pre-launch, Snowprint Studios hadn’t yet replaced their standard intro. So my GRIM DARK tactics were always preceded by a cheerfully smiling snowflake accompanied by a fairy-like “ding!” I thought that was funny.

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Reality’s Edge | Fortified Niche Playtest!

What if the Goons4Hire4U gig economy app from the third season of Westworld was the premise behind a whole game? That’s what Reality’s Edge tries to tackle by updating the cyberpunk future to match more modern depressing trends.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode

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Regiments review | They solved mechanized infantry

The slavering hordes of Wargame-grown Abramsphiles have doomed me to forever review Cold War RTS games set in late 1980s. But no matter how distasteful I find this period, Regiments is still a good game.

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Pulp Alley | Fortified Niche playtest!

I was born too late and in a country that never had a tradition of pulp fiction. Most of the Lithuanian writing at the time was focused on being depressing, mourning the decline of countryside and/or (later on) Soviet propaganda. This explains why I mixed up pulp and men’s adventure magazines while reviewing Pulp Alley!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode

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Infamy, Infamy! | Fortified Niche playtest!

TooFatLardies loom large in the indie game scene, relentlessly producing games that scratch the historical itch without devolving into rivet counting. And with Infamy, Infamy!, the Lardies take their talents to Rome!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Unity of Command 2: Desert Rats DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots

Unity of Command 2‘s DLCs have been bouncing all over the place, letting us command the Soviets there and the Nazis there. But now, we’re back to where it all started in the first mission of the game: Africa. It’s the Unity of Command 2: Desert Rats DLC, baby!

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