Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader | Fortified Niche playtest!

Hark, Fortified Niche BBS user! How is 1987 treating you thus far? Probably better than the Brits, I’d say. However, Albion does have something cool to look forward to as their own fantasy miniature marvel Games Workshop dips toes in sci-fi with Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk review | The graphics are jank, but so is the brain

I’d be perfectly happy to only play games that feature a/the T-55s, but that would be a tragic narrowing of my palette. It is actually helpful to be aware of games outside of my sphere of weird interests – specialization is for insects and I’m a full human bean. Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk is definitely out there in the savage terra incognita, and it only cost like €0,39 on sale. With a price that low and playthrough time reportedly very short, I could afford to dip my toes outside my comfort zone.

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Thud and Blunder review | Fortified Niche playtest!

Fantasy skirmish game? In this economy? It’s more likely than you believe! That’s why the pod sat down to play Thud and Blunder, a game that left us impressed with just how fast it plays – and how friendly the warband building mechanics are.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Company of Heroes 3 review | Desert Farts vs. Afrika Corpse

Look, I went a bit long when writing the dang review of PC Invasion, so I’ll try to keep this one a bit more concise. Of course, as a person with Opinions about both Company of Heroes and Dawn of War series, I have stuff to say about Company of Heroes 3.

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Hogwarts Legacy beginner guide – How to pretend you’re still a moral person

Harry Potter fans, rejoice! Hogwarts Legacy is slated to become the best selling game of 2023 and the ratings are high across the boards. Even the most Muggle game reviewer is enchanted by this trip into the Wizarding World! Unfortunately, there’s still the question of whether you can be a good person while financially supporting works associated with noted transphobe J. K. Rowling. But that’s why I wrote this Hogwarts Legacy guide, my morally conflicted wizard friend! Read it to learn all the magical tips and philosophical tricks!

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Broken Arrow demo | Review in 7 screenshots

Ever since Wargame: European Escalation came out and started the Cold War Gone Hot craze, the fans clamored for one thing: to push the timeline out of Cold War and into the future. And while WARNO demonstrates that Eugen isn’t quite willing to make that leap yet, Steel Balalaika is. And I got to play the Broken Arrow demo earlier than it appeared on Steam Next fest, neener.

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Second Front review | Men against tanks

If you’re reading this post, you probably already know what ASL is. For those not very much in the know, it’s Advanced Squad Leader, probably the most famous of hex-and-chit wargames, which involve pushing around small cardboard counters (chits) representing units on a map split into hexagons (hex). In ASL, you do that to recreate World War 2 by using some fairly complicated rules. In Second Front, we have the next best thing to a full ASL adaptation for the PC.

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Cradle review | Not necessarily best in life

I was curious about Cradle since I first learned of it many moons ago. Quest games aren’t my forte, but they, it’s a weird future steppe, a flying train, a mysterious dome and a sexy android lady. Only took me seven years, but I did it! I played this narrative-heavy first-person quest , finished it, and wrote a review that will definitely hurt the SEO rankings. Continue reading “Cradle review | Not necessarily best in life”

Rogue Planet | Fortified Niche playtest!

When we ask for our listeners to tell us about games they enjoy, it’s not idle banter or grasping for engagement. The titles you tell us about do lead to episodes, like this Rogue Planet review we just did.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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