Dread Nights | Fortified Niche playtest!

Boy, everyone is hunting monsters these days. The blood of alien behemoths had barely dried on our hands before we were thrust into a damned Victorian metropolis where werewolves, vampires and stranger beings stalk the darkness. This time, we’re rounding up a crew of five souls to brave Dread Nights, a standalone Forbidden Psalm expansion.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Signalis review – Kulturarbeit ist Friedensarbeit

I don’t often get to play the games I tried the demos of during Steam Next Fest. I also usually have better reasons than “damn, the protagonist looks hot on the cover” for playing things. Funny how Signalis, a sci-fi survival horror game, managed to get around both of those tendencies.

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Eagles of Empire | Fortified Niche playtest!

When it comes to the 19th century, the wargaming crowd is usually split between the Napoleonic War and the American Civil War. But you know what other very important war happened in that century? The Franco-Prussian war! I guess it was too short – only lasted six months – to leave a lasting impression. This historical (wargaming) injustice is rectified by Eagles of Empire, a very interesting miniature wargame!

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Majestic 13 | Fortified Niche playtest!

Gamers have long been aware and ready to shoot the threat from beyond the stars. That’s why keep trying to get more of that sweet XCOM nectar. From here, a very logical outcome develops: a miniature wargame about a brave human fireteam skirmishing with disgusting aliens. And that’s basically what Majestic 13 from Snarling Badger Studios is!

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Verrotwood | Fortified Niche playtest!

You know what? Enough of being being “heroes” and “roughly competent people.” It’s shitty cultist time to shine! That’s right – that’s who you’re playing in Verrotwood, the fantasy skirmish game of folk horror!

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BelloLudi | Fortified Niche playtest!

Hey, what if you played a multiplayer game where each side had one guy as the overall commander, and the rest were trying to fulfill his orders as best they could? What if you played a game like that on a team building exercise at work? These two unlikely allies mingle together in BelloLudi!

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Unity of Command II: Don 42 DLC review | Oh shit, my reserves!

Unity of Command 2 will feed us DLCs until they run out of World War 2 to cover. Hopefully, that will lead to either Unity of Command 3 or a fun off-shoot that gives us World War 3. Until that point, we have to sate our hungers with Don 42 DLC, which is but the latest in the game’s history.

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Moonstone | Fortified Niche playtest!

Some creators have a lot of trouble with nagging fans, but Fortified Niche is still small enough that it’s actually cute and helpful when our listeners reach out. In the case of Molly, she really wanted us to review Moonstone, a fantasy skirmish wargame of fairytale combat.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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7TV 2nd Edition | Fortified Niche playtest!

Fans of The Prisoner and Randal and Hopkirk (Deceased) will be delighted by the opportunity to recreate the most pulse-pounding moments of the shows on the tabletop. That’s right, we’re reviewing 7TV 2nd Edition, a miniature skirmish game aimed at classical British television – and beyond!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode. 

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Primaris Firestrike Servo-turret makes Marine haters seethe

…because nothing someone who hates Space Marines can do will ever top the humiliation of the Primaris Firestrike Servo-turret as meted out by Games Workshop’s own hand. If the Primarch hates its favored sons so, what chance do you stand?

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