Möbius Front ’83 review | War is puzzling

Zachtronics makes open-ended puzzle games that may involve programming, visual or otherwise. That’s the reason why I never played any of them – I just can’t see myself writing any code for fun.  I also couldn’t see myself playing an Advance Wars-like game. Yet these mad lads somehow made me do it with Möbius Front ’83.

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Fantasy General II: Empire in Flames DLC | Rome is burning!

Back when I was a kid, new campaigns for games came with these things called “expansion packs.” Granted, that concept has been absorbed by DLCs, which encompass any and all additional content that’s delivered outside of patches. And as a kid, I missed out on the original Fantasy General. I made up for that by playing Fantasy General II. Empire in Flames DLC is a great addition to the main game.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn Review – Game good

Premier robo-animal hunting game Horizon: Zero Dawn came out in the blighted land of the consoles back in 2017. It only reached PC in these the darkest of days. And what can I say, folks? It was well worth the wait. Especially since we got it with The Frozen Wilds DLC from the get go!

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Shadow Empire: Planetary Conquest preview – It’s mine now

How often do you see a sci-fi 4X game that’s taking place on another planet and it isn’t a warmed up clone of Alpha Centauri? And how often is it set in a post-apocalyptic setting? Because that’s what you can expect in Shadow Empire: Planetary Conquest.

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Rage 2 review | Nanotrites, sustain me!

Now, when the original Rage came out, it was not a big hit. Sure, it had that fancy tech to load massive textures, but the game was short and ended basically on a fart. I was surprised when I heard they were making a sequel. I was even more surprised when I finally got to play Rage 2 after subscribing to Xbox Live for PC.

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The Chudliness of Death of Hope

The voice of a chud crying in the wilderness: “please keep politics out of my entertainment!” And as you would expect from a chud, he immediately contradicts himself. For when they say “politics,” they actually mean “something that makes me feel bad.” Anything that doesn’t is apolitical. It is through this cracked lens that this curse descends upon Death of Hope, the long-awaited Horus Heresy fan movie.

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