Zona Alfa impressions | Roll 3D10 on the Cheeki Breeki table

Ever since STALKER (the video game) was released, nerds wanted to play as tiny metal (let’s not kid ourselves here) Slavic people who run around abandoned areas rife with anomalies while dressed in milsurp rags and armed with clapped-out AKs basically. Zona Alfa from Osprey is probably one of the best ways to scratch that itch. I played one game of it, which makes probably too qualified to talk about it.

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Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector | Preview in 7 Screenshots

To my extreme great disappointment, Black Lab Games wasn’t the team tasked with bringing Battlefleet Gothic to the video game arena. After all, they are solid space-game devs. However, their skills could not elude GW’s IPs for too long, so now I’m looking at a very early preview of Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector.

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Bang-On Balls: Chronicles | (P)Review in 7 Screenshots

Countryballs? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in years, kid” was basically man reaction when I first learned about this game. A countryballs game in the year of our Lord 2021? Surely you jest! But Bang-On Balls: Chronicles doesn’t. Neither does it seem to be likely to change its God-awful title.

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World of Tanks Miniatures Game | Review in 7 Screenshots

In a rare and unexpected turn of events, I was handed the Starter Box for World of Tanks Miniatures Game. Yes, it’s a thing that now exists, and I’m covering it in seven photos*.

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Unpacking the Warlord Games’ Second Great Mystery Box

Seeing as I’m possessed of a brain so smooth as to be featured in anti-wrinkle cream commercials, I bought Warlord Games’ Second Great Mystery Box. Because who wouldn’t want a Lyudmila Pavlichenko miniature for “free,” even if they don’t know who she is and they don’t collect Soviets (yet)?

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Unity of Command 2: Blitzkrieg DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots

Everyone’s a World War 2 fan until it’s time to actually play the campaigns that gave “Blitzkrieg” its name. Without the ability to fawn over Rommel or wank over wunderwaffles like the Panther and Tiger, the enthusiasm of many a WW2 gamer shrivels. But the team behind Unity of Command 2 isn’t made of lilly-livered, yellow-bellied cowards. That’s why they made (and generously furnished me with) Unity of Command 2: Blitzkrieg DLC.

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Control | Review in 7 Screenshots

The funniest thing about Control is how I came to have it. I thought I’d give it a spin on Xbox Live for PC. In about two hours of gameplay, I experienced more crashes to desktop than my entire gaming career. So I bought it on Steam, at full price, to see if it’s Xbox or just my PC. It was Xbox Live. So that was the story of how I paid full price for Control on Steam because Xbox Live sucked, while this is a very short review of that game.

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Victory at Sea Ironclad demo | Review in 7 Screenshots

The demo festival was light on strategy content. A desperate reviewer had to take would he could, whenever he could. So while American Civil War isn’t my exact cup of tea, I did give Victory at Sea Ironclad (yes, the devs hate colons) demo a spin.

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Fantasy General 2: Evolution DLC review | Eating your way to the top

Fantasy General 2 is steadily trudging along, bringing us into more and more battles for the land of Keldonia. But this time, we’re not picking over the bones of the Empire. No, this time, we’re going where it’s warmer and… wetter? Yes, the Fantasy General 2: Evolution DLC finally puts in command of lizardmen. 

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