Project Haven demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

We may lament the fact that a lot of cyberpunk games forgot that “punk” doesn’t mean “being edgy while doing the Man’s dirty work,” but what we can’t deny is that we’re getting a steady stream of titles in the genre. In the Project Haven demo, we got the first taste of running a gang of mercs in the last city on Earth.

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Dread Templar demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

There is something liberating about the unmatched speed of old-school FPS games. No iron sights, no kill-streaks, no grinding to unlock another near-identical-but-better weapon, just wibes shooting. Dread Templar demo hit just the spot.

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Severed Steel demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Superhot is probably not the game that invented the super fragile speed FPS, but it’s close enough for me. Especially since Severed Steel is an FPS of the opinion that Max Payne should have been invulnerable whenever he wasn’t standing on his feet.

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They Always Run demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

I’m generally positive about the light side-scrolling action game revival we have going. Huntdown was radical to the max, and MiniLAW was at the very least interesting. So you know I had a good reason to give They Always Run demo a shot.

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There’s No Light demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Look, I played fifteen demos for this thing (my own edification, entertainment, desperate need for engagement). They couldn’t have all been winners, right? Yep. Of them, There’s No Light was the biggest stinker.

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Carrier Command 2 demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

I wasn’t even born when the first Carrier Command came out. But damn, the trailer footage for the sequel made it look like fun, so I was looking forward to giving it a go. Finally, Steam Next Fest came around. So here’s a brief look at the Carrier Command 2 demo.

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Regiments demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Renewed interest in Cold War Goes Hot games – probably driven by kids raised on their dad’s Tom Clancy books and Reforger ’88 finally reaching developer age – keeps paying off. Regiments demo shows that it may be inspired in part by Wargame, but determined to forge its own path.

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Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector preview | Bigger and Primariner

Yes, I already did a Battlesector preview in 7 screenshots. But then the publishers plied me with a demo version that showed some of the campaign mechanics as well as more missions. So here we are, it’s the Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector preview.

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