HighFleet review | Battle of Jutland but, like, in the sky

At first, I wasn’t at all excited about the revival of MicroProse. Then I heard they’d be publishing Second Front and Regiments. Now, I’m reviewing HighFleet, and you know what? That’s a good game right there.

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I painted Horus the Warmaster

When I started this blog, I expected to do more miniature content that I ended up doing. Oh, I’m certainly playing games, painting miniatures, and doing window shopping, I’m just not used to writing about it. But whatever! I recently painted Horus Lupercal for a contest (I didn’t win), so here’s my story.

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Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector review | The swarm has no right to live

“Strategy video game with Space Marines” always piques my interest, especially since there’s no good analogue version of that. While I was initially skeptical – Tyranids are racing and disgusting neck with Nurgle for the coveted “most boring Warhammer 40,000 video game opponent” trophy – Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector won me over via good gameplay and obvious craftsmanship.

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Death Trash demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

OK, saving the most interesting for last. The Steam listing for this game doesn’t contain the word “irreverent” anywhere, which I consider a mark of quality for any game that wants to be a bit cheeky. Death Trash demo does indeed show some cheek.

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Industria demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

The good thing about alternate universes is that they’re full of stuff that’s more interesting than what we have in ours. For example, Industria demo starts in East Berlin right as the Wall is falling and drops you into an alternate universe overrun by robots.

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Spire of Sorcery demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

This isn’t an expansion to an RPG about dark elf rebels in an elf-ruled arcology. No, Spire of Sorcery demo gives us a taste of what it’s like to be mages mixing up elements to brew spells and survive.

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The Fermi Paradox demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Most space games task you with bringing a single space-faring nation into galactic dominance. But what if the entire canvas of sentient life in the galaxy was yours to weave? Then you’d be playing The Fermi Paradox demo.

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