Starship Troopers – Terran Command demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

I’ve been mad about Starship Troopers for quite some time – the movie adaptation felt like such a departure from the book. But then I learned to appreciate poking fun at the dumb fascist propaganda of “service guarantees citizenship.” Yet even then, I never understood the appeal of playing a Mobile Infantryman in the setting. So the Starship Troopers – Terran Command demo is a strange game to play, but it turns out that it is a good day to die!

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The Troop demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

World War 2 is an endless font of inspiration for developers who are only ever interested in the European theatre of operations. But The Troop demo at least focuses on the British and Canadians instead of making us storm Normandy as the Yanks again.

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Priest Simulator demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Simulator games are all the rage these days, whether they come from old and established series like Farm Simulator or new stuff like Gas Station Simulator. But as a Catholic, I’m overjoyed that we’re finally getting some representation with the Priest Simulator demo.

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Fursan al-Aqsa demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

OK, time for me to get cancelled by one group or another, and thus halve my leadership (to two). This is the weirdest thing on the Steam Next table: Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the al-Aqsa Mosque demo.  The game isn’t even on the Steam store anymore (but you can still read the discussions to immediately die).

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Into the Pit Demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Back in the day when cutting edge FPS graphics meant having fancier sprites than other guy,  Hexen was a notable standout since it gave you spells and magical axes instead of guns. Experience something like that as you follow your sister Into the Pit (demo).

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Forgive Me Father demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Pssst! Hey kid, you want to shoot some weird fish? Then you’re looking for an old school FPS – one of the many that are cropping up these days – where you get to blast some of New England’s finest abominations. This is the Forgive Me Father demo.

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Undungeon demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

I have burned myself on isometric wandering RPG-type games before. Never the less, Undungeon looked interesting enough, esp. since it’s one of those games where you don’t start as some random dildo. No, you’re so suffused with cosmic meaning that only a handful people of the same type as you exist. So here’s my experience with the Undungeon demo.

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Unity of Command 2: Moscow 41 DLC review | Beat back the fascists!

Up until this point, the DLCs for Unity of Command 2 focused on the German victories in early World War 2. They did quite a good job of portraying them as the real fights they were, and not just cakewalks as popularly imagined. Barbarossa was particularly good about showing how spread out and worn down the German forces became when faced with Soviet resistance and vast distances they needed to cover. Unity of Command 2: Moscow 41 DLC actually puts you in command of the Soviet forces that will stretch that attack to the breaking point – and then break it.

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Encased | Preview in 7 Screenshots

It’s decent time for CRPG games. Various indies are picking up where AAA left off (to hunt the DLC and multiplayer fairy).  From UnderRail to Colony Ship, we’re spoiled for visions of the post-apocalypse.  And in this Encased preview, I’ll make the case that it’s shaping up to be one of the standouts even in this varied arena.

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