Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Adeptus Mechanicus DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots

This DLC train took some time to reach the station, but there you have it. Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War eventually/finally go the Adeptus Mechanicus DLC. So what are the friendly neighborhood tech cultists up to? Continue reading “Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Adeptus Mechanicus DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots”

Five Men At Kursk | Fortified Niche Playtest!

The podcast finally gets to play a game by the absolute indie wargame legend Ivan “Nordic Weasel” Sorensen (though it’s not the first time for this blog). It’s Five Guys at Kursk and they’re feeling fine (as long as nobody rolls a 1 or a 6).

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Leftists need to make wargames

Recently, Kotaku took a look at Ready or Not, the Kiwi-developed SWAT-like. Luckily, they touched upon the politics angle, which I had entirely missed whilst watching Controlled Pairs play it. Maybe it’s because he didn’t zoom in on boxes of redpills – though a crack den designed by whoever dreamed up Taliban hideouts for Newsweek in 2001 did seem odd. Nevertheless. the discussion about it – and the article itself – makes one thing clear: leftists need to make wargames.

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World War 3 stress test | Tank supremacy in Warsaw

It was three years ago that I last (and first) looked at World War 3, probably the worst-named contender Battlefield series ever had. I think it may have died once or twice in the interim. However,  last weekend’s stress test gave public (and me) the chance to take it out for a spin again.

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WARNO Early Access | Preview in 7 Screenshots

WARNO announcement was rolled out so stealthily, you basically had to have entered the trailer’s link accidentally to spot it. Why would Eugen do it to it’s own successor to the Wargame franchise? With the Early Access out not a month later (and asking €30 from mortals), we can wager a guess: they knew it’s not ready.

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