Citizen Sleeper review | Is your body even yours?

Queer storygames aren’t exactly my forte, but I’m nothing if not willing to use of my Xbox Gamepass for PC to its full potential. And Citizen Sleeper is both cyberpunk and sci-fi – I’m a sucker for that. So first I tried – and then plunged into – this game.

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Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings | Fortified Niche playtest!

Conquest: Frontier Wars is a space RTS fr- syke! We’re not talking about ancient attempts to make “StarCraft in nothing-but-SPACE!” Actually, we’re talking about the rank-and-flank wargame that was generating buzz in the ‘cons before the plague – Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum Games.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Hardspace: Shipbreaker review | I was cloned one morning when sun didn’t shine

First, there was supposed to be Hardware: Shipbreakers, but they turned it into Homeworld: Deserts of Karrak. Then there was a game jam game about zipping around asteroids. After a couple more permutations, we got Hardspace: Shipbreaker, a sci-fi game about corporate exploitation and the most unattainable dream of all – a job where you actually do something meaningful.

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Batman Miniature Game | Fortified Niche playtest!

I may be a hater of games that make you take named characters, but I’m a sucker for a solid ruleset. And Batman Miniature Game invariably finds a good design decision or two in its bat-belt.

Listen to the podcast episode.

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Cantata | Preview in 7 Screenshots

This Cantata preview is one of the more troublesome pieces I have ever written. On one hand, I like the game’s ~~~vibes~~~ and the art is great. On the other hand, I don’t know whether there’s enough meat on the mechanics to make it sustainably fun over a long time. And trust me, the game wants your time.

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A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game | Fortified Niche playtest!

A Song of Ice and Fire book series got really famous with the Game of Thrones TV show. But while the TV show died a death ignominious enough to burn it out of the public consciousness, the miniature wargame seems to be doing fine. What wargame? Why, A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game!

You can also listen to the Fortified Niche episode on the game.

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Dune: Spice Wars Early Access | A delicate thing

Outside of mods, we haven’t had a Dune-based game since 2001. But the new movie adaptation makes it a lucrative time to get in on the Arrakis action. And it’s a good thing, too, as Shiro Games brings their Northgard experience to the front in Dune: Spice Wars, which just entered Early Access.

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W40K: Battlesector – Necrons DLC review | Metallic zombies

I was disappointed when I first discovered that Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector would pit Blood Angels against the NPC race. However, with the developers being the same guys that gave BSG: Deadlock numerous great DLCs, I was hopeful. So let’s see how the Necrons DLC shakes out.

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Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters preview | No Sororitas were harmed

From the moment I saw Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate, it enamored me. I craved for the quality of life of a modern sequel. I aspired to play the game with better visuals. Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters is that game – mostly.

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