Cyberpunk 2077 review | Blunt-edge

I finally did it! I finished Cyberpunk 2077 (and the Phantom Liberty DLC). I have slain the beast! And now, years and years after the game has been released, patched into playability, memed, dissected, discussed, and modded, I can present my review!

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Songs of Silence review | Automatic WarCraft

Sound of Freedom, the 2023 pedo-hunter movie for QAnon freaks? Bad. Sound of Silence, the 1964 Simon and Garfunkel song? Much better. Songs of Silence, the 2024 fantasy TBS/autobattler? Now we’re cooking with gas!

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Unity of Command II: Berlin DLC review – Outblitzkrieged

On June 22, 1944, the Red Army launched Operation Bagration with an apocalyptic artillery bombardment. Almost two months later, the German Army Group Center was functionally destroyed. Crucial Nazi forces would be diverted to stem the tide, allowing the Red Army to overwhelm the now-depleted sectors. It would open the path deeper into the heart of the Third Reich and Berlin would fall within the year. That’s what you’ll be doing in Unity of Command II: Berlin DLC.

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The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind review

It’s time I admit this: I’m too lazy to get Morrowind Sharp setup on my new PC to complete Bloodmoon and Tribunal. If I wait for much longer, I’ll forget the most important part: that I have finally gotten closer to becoming a real gaming boy by finally completing The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. And yes, I used mods. Cry about it. 

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Tactical Breach Wizards review | Tom Francis’ Spellbound Six

I maintain that the development for this game was spark by some art piece with tacticool wizards. Don’t @ me about it, I said and I won’t take it back. Tom Francis has done what every game journo wishes they could do – become a successful game creator – and his newest piece of work is a banger. Tactical Breach Wizards is an operational gameplay success and a strategic-level writing achievement.

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Gaslands: Refueled | Fortified Niche!

I’ve been describing miniature wargaming as “toy soldiers with rules” foe year. So why not bring another perennial childhood joy into the fold? Gaslands: Refueled gives you THE reason to take our your old model cars, glue on some guns and skulls, and give it post-apocalyptic paintjob. That’s right, Death Race comes to your tabletop!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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