Alpha Legion vs. Iron Warriors: Our Stealthy And Grumpy Sons

Horus Heresy: Legions, the only CCG game that I play, is finally moving into the later stages of Drop Site Massacre. Two weeks ago, they introduced Iron Warriors, the least fun-having of the Legion. Today, we were treated to Alpha Legion. So, how do these Legions play?

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Warhammer 40K Gladius Reinforcement Pack DLC | Long Title

Just like Sanctus Reach, Warhammer 40,000 Gladius – Relics of War (known as “Gladius” to people maintaining sanity and character count) is what keeps us sane in this post-Dawn of War III hell dimension. And just like any good (or not) game produced in this day and age, it has a DLC. Here comes the Reinforcement Pack.

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Forge World, Make Horus Heresy Shadespire

Look, we all know that Shadespire is going to be the real name for Warhammer Underworlds for at least a few years. You know what else is unlikely to change? Forge World’s unwillingness to engage with these smaller Games Workshop projects. Which is a shame, since Horus Heresy Shadespire would be entirely boss.

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Renegade Scout review | Oldhammer Done Right

Rogue Trader, when it came out in the twilight days of the ’80s, was a very different beast than Warhammer 40,000 of this day. 8 editions later, the biggest miniature game in the world struggles to actually be a good game. That’s why some grognardy veterans play ‘Oldhammer’ – editions that are no longer supported. And maybe that’s the reason why there is a place for Renegade Scout in our hearts.

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Friday Update In Horus Heresy Legions? What’s New?

Having moved past the Istvaan III phases in beta, Horus Heresy Legions is now fully immersed in the events of Dropsite Massacre. The new Legions have already been introduced. Now, it’s time to grind them to pulp – at least before the Traitors are added into the game. We can expect at least of pair events to be kinda meh as far as introduction of new stuff goes. However, they managed to sneak in some stuff today!

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Horus Heresy Might Not Be Dead, But They’re Working On It

The year has not been merciful for Horus Heresy. While it started well, with a dedicated rulebook that even I purchased, it did not follow up on that. We have been hit by the plague of Last Chance to Buy, which removed a lot of Legion conversion kits. They killed off the MK II armor line entirely. Eventually, they cut off MK IIIs and MK IVs, which was the only logical moves, as we already have plastics for those. You could still get plenty of those in Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero boxes.


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Raven Guard Sneak Into Horus Heresy: Legions

The first Istvaan V event on Horus Heresy: Legion has ended, and so a new Legion is introduced. Raven Guards are now here to wreck everyone’s faces. As it was when Salamanders made their first appearance, players can pay Real Actual Money for a pre-built deck, while Raven Guard crate (3 RG cards, 2 cards you probably already have) has replaced the Sally crate. But what does this shadowy Legion do?

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When Forge World Prices Make Games Workshop Look Sane

Today, Forge World finally made it possible for buyers to pay in whatever local currency they have. The caveat is that the new prices were set at a fixed conversion rate as decided by Forge World. This has lead to price increases: about 10-20% for Europeans, ~20% for Americans and around 30-40% for the Australians (which were already getting fleeced).

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What Do Salamanders Do In Horus Heresy Legions?

Horus Heresy Legions, the game about, well, Horus Heresy spent a lot of time getting  to the actual heresy. The whole closed beta was dedicated to the actions on Istvaan III and the surrounding events. We have now moved to Istvaan V, which means that loyalist legions are being introduced. First were the Iron Hands – and today, we have the Salamanders!

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