Games Workshop should learn from Corvus Belli

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Infinity (the rules are great) and of Warhammer 40K (the rules aren’t great). But even as Roundtree’s Games Workshop posts record profits, there are things that the company could improve that aren’t the rules. What can Games Workshop learn from Corvus Belli?

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5 Worst Dice Ever Made by Games Workshop (And Some Actually Good Ones)

Any miniature gaming company that’s worth its salt will make custom dice for their games. After all, why wouldn’t your fans want to play your game with some snazzy branded cubes? Games Workshop is no different in that regard. In fact, it probably produced more custom designs than any other game company ever. Too bad they were terrible more often than not. And here are 5 worst.

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Heresy Girls 2 Kickstarter Is Less Horny

There aren’t that many female models in Warhammer 40,000. Therefore, it’s usually up to 3rd-party designers to fill that gap. However, many of them seem to be sculpting with one hand under the table. At least the Heresy Girls 2 Kickstarter seems to be breaking from the trend of horniness!

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Forge World Messes Up, Teases Torsos

The biggest news in Horus Heresy this week were the leaks the leaks of Book 8. Apparently, the pre-orders dropped unexpectedly, so now we have some inkling over what to expect from Blood Angels and White Scars. Everyone was waiting for the Friday newsletter with baited breath.

Forge World, of course, was happy to disappoint.

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Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus Review | In the Future, There Will Be Robots

When Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus was first announced, I had zero faith in it. Sure, having a game where you control the Techpriests of Mars is cool. However, facing off against a single enemy race – Necrons, of all things – seemed to be boring. Glad I was very, very wrong about that!

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Titans March In Horus Heresy: Legions

As a person who steadfastly refuses to engage with social media, I was surprised by the new event on Horus Heresy: Legions. Usually, it’s just regular card games (not on motorcycles). But in Cataclysm, we get to play with Titans in a way we haven’t played before.

Unless you’re into Adeptus Titanicus, that is!

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New Horus Heresy FAQ Is Out!

Even if some sweating GW intern has rushed to take the article announcing it down, the Age of Darkness/Horus Heresy FAQ is still here! In it, you’ll find Magnus nerfs, clarifications on Augury Sensors, Super-Heavy tanks turning into tanks and Space Wolf Apothecaries taking a level of AWUUU once they join Gray Slayer squads.

Read and weep here!

Forge World in 2018: A Heresy In Review (Part 2)

Previously, I looked at all the amazing things that Forge World did for Horus Heresy in the first five months of 2018. It’s now time to see how Age of Darkness fared during the rest of the year.

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Night Lords Are The Terror Legion In Horus Heresy: Legions

We have just spent two weeks of dunking on Alpha Legion in the event. Now, we have finally welcome Night Lords into Horus Heresy: Legions . Yes, the crazy Batman Marines are in, and they’re bringing Terror with them.

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Forge World in 2018: A Heresy In Review (Part 1)

Forge World is Game Workshop’s sister company for people who don’t think they’re burning their money fast enough. For many of us, it’s the last refuge of people who like Space Marines: the Age of Darkness ruleset is probably the only good thing to come out of 7th edition 40K. That said, 2018 was a horrible year to be a fan of Horus Heresy, Forge World’s flagship, standout game. 

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