Blood & Plunder | Fortified Niche playtest!

Come to think about it, we don’t really have that many games about being space pirates. Why? Is it because space pirate fights are always supposed to be unequal? Well, the pirates of golden age of Caribbean piracy didn’t care about such things and you won’t care either as you play Blood & Plunder!

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Full Spectrum Dominance | Fortified Niche playtest!

From the earliest days of mankind, warlords and kings alike dreamed of playing a ruleset that was matched with a kickass range of 3D-printable miniatures. This lofty goal has been finally reached by Full Spectrum Dominance, a sci-fi wargame by Giacomo Pantalone and Federico Valsecchi.

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The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare | Fortified Niche playtest!

It’s so sad that the Battlfield series has to be taken behind the barn due to contracting a lethal case of CoDitis. But we can remember the good times before the CQC expack by playing The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare, a Brent Spivey game that owes as much to DICE as to dice.

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Stargrunt II | Fortified Niche playtest!

Here’s an idea for you: you can play a game that has but a single book released for it. There’s nothing stopping you. A game doesn’t have to have expansions coming out every few months. Just play what you have. Play Stargrunt II from 1996.

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Force of Virtue | Fortified Niche playtest!

Get in, loser, we’re going to Italy. The Borgias are on the rise and there’s money to be made while commanding small bands of mercenaries. So if you have the virtues necessary to lead men on the field of battle, take up Force of Virtue, a Renaissance skirmish miniature wargame.

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When Nightmares Come | Fortified Niche playtest!

Do you have a burning desire to pick up a baseball bat and face off against things that go bump into the night? Because this is the game about you. When Nightmares Come pits five Hunters against zombies, ghouls and other beasties fit to crawl out of a portal.

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The 9th Age | Fortified Niche playtest!

Hard to say if Warhammer ever had the good edition. If memory serves, the recommendation for Warhammer Fantasy Battles is playing 5th edition with 6th edition army books. Still, a lot of people agreed that changeover to Age of Sigmar was not it, chief. Some of those people made The 9th Age, a game of rank-and-flank fantasy battles!

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Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters review | Silver linings

“Space Marine XCOM” hasn’t been a seriously developed video game concept since 1998. That was when the sergeant of the squad was first encouraged to accept his orders in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate. But eventually the concept was revived – and the Grey Knights are at the fore-front. That’s right, I’m reviewing Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters. You can all thank my podcast co-host who gifted it and my feverish approach to playing any decent game until I burn out. 

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Mars: Code Aurora | Fortified Niche playtest!

I heard of this game during the interview with Mr. Forbidden Psalm himself – Will Rahman-Daultrey. Since we’re suckers for both Forbidden Psalm and games recommended to us, we had get a copy. A contact with the devs and package from Northstar Miniatures later, Mars: Code Aurora physically reached my hands – and it’s a skirmish miniature game set early in the dystopian colonization of Mars!

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SAGA: Age of Magic | Fortified Niche playtest!

The beauty of running your own podcast is that you can choose to break the rules at any time. For example, we said that we’d only review games at their most basic – no expansions. But this time, we’re reviewing SAGA: Age of Magic, the fantasy supplement for the French medieval skirmish standout SAGA (second edition).

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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