I may be a hater of games that make you take named characters, but I’m a sucker for a solid ruleset. And Batman Miniature Game invariably finds a good design decision or two in its bat-belt.
The boards of Batman Miniature Game are small. They’re also littered by lamp posts and sever markers, both of which play an important role in the game.The gangs in the game are small. You play with alternating activations, but the real killer feature is the audacity system. You have four Audacity markers. The miniatures you give them to will be able to do all the actions they can, while the rest will be limited to one. And no, you’re not forced to activate Audacious units before the rest.Another astounding feature of Batman Miniature Game is how fast the troops are. That double baton Militia Brute in the middle? He’s a trash unit partially because of his abysmal move of 6″ aka “the standard move in 40K since forever.”Suspect markers are another important bit. Your troops can put them down and the enemy can reveal them without much of a fuss, but they’re a necessary component for both objectives and various abilities.That’s because Batman Miniature Game also features an Objective Deck that you build around your gang (some cards are even faction specific). Not only do they give you objectives to score, but they can also be used as resources. So if you’ve drawn an unscorable objective, chances are it has a resource ability (like, say, replacing a Suspect token with an Ammo crate that allows you to, well, replenish ammo) that you can use instead. Neat and solves some of the issues you may have with objectives in Infinity.Plus, your hand of cards is constantly in flux, and doing actions to spend cards just so that you could draw new ones is a legit tactic. This makes the game very dynamic, because who knows what kind of new objectives or toys will come into play next.Batman Miniature Game is a good game and I liked basically everything about it. The real downside is that Knight Models are really bad about communicating releases and some rules need to be tighter/better explained. Other than that, it’s a solid recommend from me.
3 thoughts on “Batman Miniature Game | Fortified Niche playtest!”
Listened to the episode, I actually have the same feeling about names characters which why I got into indie skirmish games(that and avoiding two monsters of money eating). I was wondering if you have looked at Pulp Alley or Rogue Planet?
Both are indie sandbox games. Low model count lots of go crazy with you your collection.
Rogue Planet is one of the shortest rulebooks I have ever read it’s got a really different movement system. The ranges are line of sight means in range. Leaders also have a rather different HP system. https://www.wargamevault.com/m/product/139359
Pulp Alley is a more narrative game where you create individual leagues (teams) to fit a story. It has a card mechanic in it. Think the objective deck in Batman. They also have a free sample of everything on their website include below. http://pulpalley.com/
Doing this as a fan of both systems and want them to get some more air time.
Listened to the episode, I actually have the same feeling about names characters which why I got into indie skirmish games(that and avoiding two monsters of money eating). I was wondering if you have looked at Pulp Alley or Rogue Planet?
Not yet, but we might! Anything you want to point out about them?
Both are indie sandbox games. Low model count lots of go crazy with you your collection.
Rogue Planet is one of the shortest rulebooks I have ever read it’s got a really different movement system. The ranges are line of sight means in range. Leaders also have a rather different HP system.
Pulp Alley is a more narrative game where you create individual leagues (teams) to fit a story. It has a card mechanic in it. Think the objective deck in Batman. They also have a free sample of everything on their website include below.
Doing this as a fan of both systems and want them to get some more air time.