Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Italy – Yugoslavia | Who’s up for Thirteenth Battle of Isonzo?

Armored Brigade – the better Cold War RTS – launched with the biggest players already in the game: the US, the USSR, both flavors of Germany, Finland… OK, the last one must have been due to where the creators come from (and possibly the desire to have Western-allied T-72s). But how about such military monoliths […]

Armored Brigade Review | Warm Up That Cold War

Grog games have a few traits that we will never purge from the genre. More often than not, they look ugly. They also sport interfaces that weren’t designed by humans for humans. Even hoping for a decent tutorial is something that the grog industry thinks is unrealistic. However. Armored Brigade manages to dodge many of […]

Your strategy game map campaign is bad

Phantom Brigade and Company of Heroes 3 are two very different games. The former is a turn-based-simultaneous-resolution tactics game about mechs, the latter a base-building WW2 RTS. However, they both feature map campaigns that suffer awfully from lack of variety. We’re fighting boring, repetitive battles against supposedly distinctive enemy formations that all feel the same. […]

WARNO Early Access | Preview in 7 Screenshots

WARNO announcement was rolled out so stealthily, you basically had to have entered the trailer’s link accidentally to spot it. Why would Eugen do it to it’s own successor to the Wargame franchise? With the Early Access out not a month later (and asking €30 from mortals), we can wager a guess: they knew it’s […]

Regiments demo | Preview in 7 Screenshots

Renewed interest in Cold War Goes Hot games – probably driven by kids raised on their dad’s Tom Clancy books and Reforger ’88 finally reaching developer age – keeps paying off. Regiments demo shows that it may be inspired in part by Wargame, but determined to forge its own path.

Unity of Command 2: Kursk DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots

The years, they don’t stop coming – and neither do Unity of Command 2 DLCs. At about 176 hours in, I was graced with the Kursk DLC. This baby is huge, featuring campaigns for both Nazis and Soviets in 1943 (and maybe even 1944), And you know what? Unity of Command 2: Kursk DLC is […]

Unity of Command 2: Desert Rats DLC | Review in 7 Screenshots

Unity of Command 2‘s DLCs have been bouncing all over the place, letting us command the Soviets there and the Nazis there. But now, we’re back to where it all started in the first mission of the game: Africa. It’s the Unity of Command 2: Desert Rats DLC, baby!