GCPS Troopers review | Contrast control for victory

Mantic’s GCPS Troopers had been my white whale for a long time. When I had the harebrained idea to make a loyalist version of Renegade and Heretics some 11 years ago, I spent years looking at cheap Imperial Guard proxies. Mantic was supposed to be the chosen once, and GCPS troopers its spearhead. But I never liked the look of them on the store. So I finally Mantic nicely for some minis and they sent me a GCPS Troopers sprue to review.

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The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind review

It’s time I admit this: I’m too lazy to get Morrowind Sharp setup on my new PC to complete Bloodmoon and Tribunal. If I wait for much longer, I’ll forget the most important part: that I have finally gotten closer to becoming a real gaming boy by finally completing The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. And yes, I used mods. Cry about it. 

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Combat Storm | Fortified Niche playtest!

Statistically, you either had or had played with toy soldiers as a kid. But the only person to set any sort of rules back then was an irate parent, laying down the law once the crying got too much. Combat Storm aims to bring a little class into what would otherwise be an ugly brawl by providing rules for your green or tan army men!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode!

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Tactical Breach Wizards review | Tom Francis’ Spellbound Six

I maintain that the development for this game was spark by some art piece with tacticool wizards. Don’t @ me about it, I said and I won’t take it back. Tom Francis has done what every game journo wishes they could do – become a successful game creator – and his newest piece of work is a banger. Tactical Breach Wizards is an operational gameplay success and a strategic-level writing achievement.

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Blood & Plunder | Fortified Niche playtest!

Come to think about it, we don’t really have that many games about being space pirates. Why? Is it because space pirate fights are always supposed to be unequal? Well, the pirates of golden age of Caribbean piracy didn’t care about such things and you won’t care either as you play Blood & Plunder!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Full Spectrum Dominance | Fortified Niche playtest!

From the earliest days of mankind, warlords and kings alike dreamed of playing a ruleset that was matched with a kickass range of 3D-printable miniatures. This lofty goal has been finally reached by Full Spectrum Dominance, a sci-fi wargame by Giacomo Pantalone and Federico Valsecchi.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare | Fortified Niche playtest!

It’s so sad that the Battlfield series has to be taken behind the barn due to contracting a lethal case of CoDitis. But we can remember the good times before the CQC expack by playing The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare, a Brent Spivey game that owes as much to DICE as to dice.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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