V for Victory | Fortified Niche

Of all the modern periods fit for pushing around historically-inspired toy soldiers, World War 2 has probably the most rulesets. But it’s still nice to see a new one published, especially when implements ideas that should be more mainstream. We’re talking about V for Victory, baby!

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Cyberpunk 2077 review | Blunt-edge

I finally did it! I finished Cyberpunk 2077 (and the Phantom Liberty DLC). I have slain the beast! And now, years and years after the game has been released, patched into playability, memed, dissected, discussed, and modded, I can present my review!

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Spectre Operations 3E | Fortified Niche

Spectre Operations – not Specter Operations – is now three editions old! Haven’t played the previous two, I was the perfect guy to give it a spin. The dev of the previous two e’s had split and so the game was written anew. What can you expect from the hardened operators and middling militias in Spectre Operations V3/3E/third edition?

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Midgard: Heroic Battles review | Fortified Niche

In the Christmas/New Year/holiday rush, one game got completely lost in the pipeline. Played and recorded, it languished ironically forgotten for something that won Best New Wargames Rules award in the yearly Wargame Illustrated vote. That’s right, we’re talking Midgard: Heroic Battles!

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Mantic Butchers review | Warp spawn

When I got the GCPS troopers I wanted to review, I also received a a frame of Kings of War/Firefight Butchers as well. I had no intention of touching anything Nightmares-related, but here I am. Behold, my experiences in making three very different Butcher builds.

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Bolt Action 3rd edition | Fortified Niche playtest!

Bolt Action is often used as an example of a 28mm historical game that can be used to ease-in fresh players of… less well-made games. This legacy continues with the latest iteration, Bolt Action 3rd edition.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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ignition:core | Fortified Niche playtest!

Video games, I’ve played a few. Miniature wargames that are meant to evoke the feeling of playing a video game? The pod has encountered them before. But only ignition:core goes after the ultimate prize: a Titanfall wargame.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Kensei | Fortified Niche Playtest!

Look, we’ll never know how sonae fought in practice. Let’s just stop thinking about it. Maybe it will become easier if your Japanese fighting game isn’t set in Japan. Maybe it would be better for your miniature game to be set in the lands of Kensei: The Awakening… and to also feature zombies.

Listen to the Fortified Niche episode.

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Songs of Silence review | Automatic WarCraft

Sound of Freedom, the 2023 pedo-hunter movie for QAnon freaks? Bad. Sound of Silence, the 1964 Simon and Garfunkel song? Much better. Songs of Silence, the 2024 fantasy TBS/autobattler? Now we’re cooking with gas!

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